This morning after, I am putting all this into perspective. WASTE OF TIME! I'm feeling much better this morning and listening to Mozarts' Requiem.
This entire experience felt like one big “Olympic” funeral mass of defeat. Perhaps I didn’t expect to get GOLD, though a few of us should have at least got the BRONZE or SILVER.
After reading the blog posted by Russ, I am utterly even more disgusted by this entire process. I was so happy to see that Sandy did get the call back to come back and audition for the judges. Then later on they say “OH we’re Sorry!” “We had enough today and won’t be seeing you after all!”
Also the way they conducted this audition was absurd. What are we trained monkeys that can tell jokes on contact in 2 seconds. Or perhaps we should all be like Pavlov’s Dog and every time a bell rings, bark out a joke! Or perhaps we should just drool on command.
That actually may have worked considering they were just looking for spectacle to enhance their ratings.
Enough said. If I keep going this blog will be pages long. I think I have got my point across. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.
Below is the link to photo bucket where I have uploaded pictures taken throughout the night: (copy and paste link into your browser)