Tuesday, December 16, 2008
If you believe it!
I recall being on the set of that ever miserable, CUPID, all the way out at Hellsgate studios by the Triboro Bridge. I was in holding area and contemplating whether I should cancel on the audition altogether. I have had SO many auditions which were a waste of time to go to. For instance, those "go-sees" where they see you for 2 seconds, take a picture and that's it. You waste an entire day just for that.
This was a little different as I snuck out of holding area, and luckily had a good friend on set to let me know what was going on. So I took the LONG trip from all the way from the edge of Queens to audition for this.
Normally I would not give a shit about these auditions, though this one was for a Russian Woman, and I knew I could do this part. Still I went and flew into this audition with real anticipation, especially when I saw the "Svetlana" Brighton Beach babe audition in front of me.
I though for sure she would get it as she was younger and prettier than me. Yet I went into that audition with all might and I know I did the best I could. After 2 weeks of getting devastating news, I really thought I was done in for and had no hope in hell, never mine hellsgate!
LO and behold, after almost giving up completely, I got a call today from Jasmine at the agency that I got a callback and the people at Disney WANT to see me!!!!!!
I am taken aback right now. A callback means nothing until you get the part. Still this is a HUGE breakthrough! I really HOPE I land this part. I fell it is meant for me.
Listening to a track on youtube.com for Chorus Line and the track is " I Hope I get it". They may have been dancers, though it is the same grueling struggle, trying to make it. Trying to get some rewards for all your efforts. I HOPE I get it!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
FAILURE is thy name
Posted on 08/25/2008 at 11:55 AM
The following entry is a reflection of how hard it is being in this business and how I am at the verge of giving up b/c of all my failed attempts at auditioning for parts that were clearly for me and I didn't get.
I am actually back in Canada now with my Mother, Canada Mom. Mind you I am already bored and can't wait to get back to New York. There is nothing to do here and your creativity gets crushed along with your spirit when you get reminded of being a failure.
I really dreaded this trip and now I really regret coming up here, even though it's for a short time. It's not that I expected to come back here as a Rockstar or someone famous, though I wish I had something to speak of and to show some success. It's embarrassing and humiliating when you see all your friends with kids and families and lives and all I can say is well I live in New York. Big Deal :(
I keep clinging on to hope, but failure I guess is a constant factor in my life. The thing is I really try to believe and read all those "Secret" books and still end up getting zero or worse off where I started.I am honestly not having a self-pity trip here. It's facts.
For instance I went to audition for TLC's "What Not to wear". When the producer initially called me for this I was excited and ready to be on the show. I auditioned outdoors in Times Square for this where they had this 360 degrees mirror set up. I was Clearly the worst dressed one there with purple socks and a wool hat on in the 90 degree Fahrenheit weather.
The producers asked me questions while I was in the booth and I know I nailed it. I was funny and sincere. Even the cameraman was laughing when I got out of the booth and said I did great. I was happy and finally thought that I found my niche to be the worst dressed background extra. Two weeks went by, no calls, e-mails nothing.
The next week I went to this audition to play a gypsy for a regional commercial. I just happen to have a gypsy costume and have played a "gypsy character" in the past with an authentic European accent. In fact I have done this character for years.
I get called in to audition and again I thought I nailed this. All the "gypsies" before me read one line and were sent out. I went in the room , read the script 3 times and was asked to stay and wait. After an hour waiting, the guy comes out of the door and says "Well call you!" Again No calls, no e-mails, nothing.
The best disappointment has to be the next go-see audition. They were seeking a blonde Canadian age ranging from 35-40! BINGO! Thought I hit the jackpot here! Let's see I'm blonde, btw 35 and 40, plus I'm Canadian. So I get to the auditions and they tell me I'm NOT Canadian enough!!!! I'm NOT kidding.
They said they wanted Canadian from British Columbia, because they speak British!!! After hearing that I was like these casting are idiots b/c in Vancouver , British Columbia, they DON"T speak British! Still not even to get that part.
You know you get to a point that you can only get beaten up so many times before you just can't take being defeated anymore. To top it all off, it has been really slow with background work, though the day I leave there are not one, but two Verizon commercials that pay $200.00 .
You get to a point as with doing Stand-up and you ask yourself "Is the abuse and disappointments really worth it?" I wonder.
CA :(
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How to audition for a reality show!
The other day I went to a really bogus audition. Figures it was from the Craig's List. It was for a reality show, actually to audition for a pilot for a reality show to be pitched to ABC networks. Here is the title of the show "The Party"! I'm not kidding.
Basically it is another reality show like Survivor where they "Cast" people off the island, only here it is at a party. I mean how many parties can you possibly have?? The best part was that the supposed casting director and his videographer were trying to push a course into our faces that they run.
The course in itself is a joke. It is a class that instructs you on "How to audition for a reality show!" It's like you have to be f'in kidding me! They were selling these courses for $100.00 and b/c we auditioned for them we can get it for the low price of $50.00! Yippee. I'm going to jump at that opportunity!
After having about 15 of us in a line in that audition room, the goes down the line and asks us "Why we would want to be cast for this show and what would make you the best candidate?”
Everyone answered as best as anyone could and replied that they are enthusiastic and like to party! The bald headed director then blasted us all saying that we all answered the question wrong!! Then again he started in with how we should take this course on "How to audition for a reality show!"
His partner and he go on how this course will change your life and if you join now you will be on the list for first pick on any upcoming reality shows! Unbelievable!!!
So this was a huge waste of my Sunday to go all the way into the city with this blasted heat. All this guy was interested in was selling his course and picking up the 5"9, 26 year old attractive model with rasinettes for breasts.
It is just such a huge disappointment to waste time on this bogus auditions like this. In the ad they “claimed” they were looking for average people from the age range from 18-60 years old! No Models or specific body types. Yet it all seems to go down to the Model of the group to be the eye candy and overall winner!
When the bald headed director came up to the model with raisinettese for breasts and asked her why she would be good for the show, she replied “Because I’m beautiful!”
The worst part is that the attractive young blond with not much to say will probably get the part. Of course I who have the talent, gets cast out even before I get a chance to get cast.
I give everything a fair chance and try out for so many things because you never know, though this farce of an audition makes Last Comic Standing auditions have merit!
Enough said. This heat is outrageous. Keep Cool.
Monday, May 26, 2008
My audition for the GONG Show
I was still at home in Queens when my friend Rich called me up to tell me he was already at Arlene’s Grocery, and that no one was there except for an old Homeless man. This was where they were holding the auditions for The Gong show, originally broadcast n the 70’s, now to be hosted by Dave Attell.
I eventually got there on the “V” train for “virtually slow” and the doors of Arlene’s Grocery were open for the show. Clearly there were not too many people at the club which is known for late nights of extreme “punk Karaoke”, vomiting patrons, and exclusive debauchery and selective drug exchanges in the basement bathrooms.
I also anticipated that there would be a huge line-up and I that I would be waiting for at least 7 hours. Though when I got there, the production assistants were just setting up and getting their disclaimers and papers ready for people to come in.
Put it to you this way. I got to Arlene’s at 10:30 am and got seen at approximately 11:15 am. I was number 4 on the list! Ahead of me were three other performers, one of them was the guy who we thought was homeless and turned out to be the legendary “Bingo Gazingo. He is a legendary rap/scat NYC artist. He raps poetry, is 90’ years old, and has one tooth remaining that dangles when he grins!
Bingo gets up on the stage, barely mind you; he situated himself on the stage and then begins his rant. The producers and everyone start to applaud gesturing for him to get off stage, but instead he continues to ramble on and on. He is in his own world and the producers don’t know what to do!
Finally someone shouted “Next”! Bingo realizes that it is his time to get off the stage. He attempts to get off the stage, but can’t! The stage was SO high up the he was shaking and everyone thought he was going to collapse! In an instance, ten people scramble to the stage to try and lift the poor old man off the stage. What a sight! Then the producer asks: “Who came with him and brought him here”?? No one replied. Someone in the distance cries out, he came on his own! Next thing you know the audition was at a standstill until someone was found to escort Bingo home.
After that situation was under control, the audition resumed. My friend Rich went up. He held a large magnifying glass to his face and said “This is me in High-Def”! People laughed, next! Then we had a taste of a really weird dude who seemed normal in the holding are where he was wearing a suit and tie and looked like a business man.
His turn is up and all of a sudden he strips his shirt and tie off and puts on a white T-shirt with the words “DR.COOL” Emblazoned all over it which he must have just done as you could still get that “magic marker high” from a freshly indelible sharpie. He gets up on stage and just when you though it could not get any worse, he starts preaching and rapping about the anti-Christ, the second coming and stuff. It was a mess!
So when it was my turn to go up, the producers were already subjected to a train wreck and I was in an awkward position. I ended going up and doing an “ethnic song” while dressed in Gypsy garbs. Trust me. I was the most normal one there! That’s the scary part! I think I did alright considering I wasn’t taken out and asked to leave immediately!
Following me there was this amazing dance sexual group from Russia! I have seen this group perform before at Americas Got Talent, and they are truly amazing. The Lead dancer calls himself “Leo” is this exotic sexy Russian 7-foot tall sexy young man with glitter on his lips. Accompanying him are these 3 very sexy, erotic dancers.
As Leo towers over all these dancers, he starts the routine off with this huge coat embedded with flowers. They start dancing to that song “You could be my cowboy”, he starts getting into this sexual escapade, similar to Rocky of Rocky Horror Sweet transvestite. And he takes his huge flowered coat off to hum just wearing skin tone briefs. Meanwhile the ladies are swinging hoops and dancing around him.
Needless to say, this group stole the show. After they finished the Men were all astonished and the Women, including myself were drooling! Soon the media was there including NYPost.com, Insiders Edition and TMZ.com were there interviewing and taping the acts. They all gravitated towards the Russian dance erotic group and interviewed them thoroughly.
There was no way you could compete with this group. The only other act that really got the media’s attention was this guy who spun basketballs on his nose! Even the guy who came in a straight jacket and wrapped himself in heavy chains was no competition for the Russian group!
After I auditioned I stood around attempting to get some interviews.
I did manage to get interviewed by “Inside edition”, though briefly. Also the NY Post was there, I posed for some pictures, though I check out today’s’ NY Post and even though there was a blurb about the event, no one’s’ pictures were in there.
If you go to NYpost.com, (May 23, 2008 edition) online, you will see the Russians and the “globetrotter” in the video posted. Guess I didn’t make the cut.
Oh well, no regrets, it was a fun day and time. At least I didn’t get “GONGED”!!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Americas Got Talent Auditions, Sunday April 6, 2008

The line started moving about an hour and a half after we got our spot. Finally the line started moving and just to bring us to another line downstairs by the parking lot and bus stops, still being outside.
Finally after another 3 hours, the PA came around and gave us our stickers and numbers to go with our forms. Eventually after another hour, we actually got inside where yet again another line in an "S" formation was formed.
This last line was for registration. So you would think you were good to go after that. Not the case. After you got registered, then you had to go through another security person and down the escalators to the "holding area" where over 1000 people were dwelling and waiting.
I saw a fellow background actor there and he said he was there since 10am and still didn't get seen until 6pm! So that being said, Susan and I found a spot to sit down and wait. Susan knew this Woman there, Vickie who she did some clown work within the past.
I plopped down on the ground and didn't even care how dirty the floor was as I was SO tired from standing all that time. Meanwhile Susan, who was in full clown gear, was entertaining young kids and making "balloon animals" for them.
There were groups of people strewn all over that room. They had tons of musicians. In fact I think the majority of entertainers were singer/songwriter acts. Other than that there were a few dance troops, magicians and child prodigies.
After waiting in the main room for several hours, out numbers were finally called. I thought I may have a slight chance as I was dressed up as a Gypsy, and I was prepared to do a musical comedy act which I thought would make me stand out. SO not the case.
Once the guy came on the bullhorn and read out the numbers we were called to wait in another line-up and they mixed singers with magicians and dancers. There was no designated judge for different talents.
When it was finally our turn to head out to the audition rooms, there were a group of chairs alongside the wall by a door where we would eventually audition. The chairs were set there for a reason as it would be over another hour wait. The P.A. We had was nice enough to tell us that if they like you, they will keep you in the room for over ten minutes. If they don't you’re done in seconds.
As were sitting there, the camera people came up to us and asked us if "We were nervous going into the audition"? I replied, "After waiting a thousand hours, I am SO numb, I have no nerves left!"
Finally my name gets called, and I go into the room. You walk into this huge room where there are only 3 people there. One is the camera man, one judge, and another P.A. They have the camera ready and ask you to stand on the black tape marked "X".
Behind you is a huge wallpaper of the "America's Got Talent" poster. The judge tells you to say your name and what act you are about to perform. I state my name and begin into song. I got zero reaction so immediately I went into another bit. Within seconds my fate was determined as I heard the big "NO"! The worst part really was the fact that this bitch of a judge yawned while I was performing.
While I was performing, I saw her yawn, and you try to ignore it but it does get to you and immediately I lost all confidence and basically sabotaged my act when I saw the yawn. So that was the end of that. I stormed out of the room, and then my friend Susan was called in to go next.
Though the judge that had just destroyed my confidence decided to take a bathroom break right after me and left Susan the clown waiting around for another half hour before she was actually called in to come into the room.
Finally Susan was called in, all decked out in her clown costume with props, baboons and gags. My friend Susan does "clowning" for a living, so she is pretty good at what she does. That didn't matter. Seconds later she came out of the door, really upset. The worst sight I ever seen is a clown cry. It really is sad.
So that was the end of it. Susan was really devastated as was I. At least I knew that I could go back to Astoria to the local pub and bitch and complain to people while having a few beers. Susan really was looking forward to this and her spirit was really crushed.
As we were leaving the building, several of the kids that she made balloon animals earlier on for, asked her how she did. These kids were upset for her. She brought so much joy to these kids, and she was not a happy clown at this point.
I was not a happy camper either. Though I should have known better not to go at all to an audition of this nature. In some ways it was worse than Last Comic Standing. At least this was not a overnight lineup and I only wasted 10 hours of my time as opposed to 20 hours! Still it's the same miserable game.
How can a P.A. or a segment producer determine my fate or if I have any talent?? This is just another show that is clearly looking for the "entertainment" value for ratings. It’s about “Cashing in”. Ka-Ching! Isn't that what it is always about?? The title of this show and many other reality shows should be Americas got Capitalism!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My Audition for CBS’s MILLION Dollar Password

I went to the million dollar password auditions this week. They held the auditions at the Kaufman Astoria studios, which was great for me because I live in Astoria and its walking distance for me. It was a nice day warm, high of 53F, spring-like day which made it a nice day for walking.
I got there and walked through the main entrance, signed in with security, got my visitors sticker pass and then sat down where there was already a group of 12 people sitting in the chairs and rehearsing, so to speak.
I'm sure some of you may know how this game works, but just in case you don't here it is...
Basically one person (the giver) has a word given to them. They absorb the word then start to give clues to their partner (the receiver) so they guess the word.
For example, let's say the word is "BLING". The "giver" would say Jewelry. The "receiver" would reply "necklace". Not the word. So the "giver" would give another clue, "Ghetto"....then suddenly it pops into the receivers mind and out he/she iterates "BLING"!!!!!!! Yes! You got the PASSWORD! Yeah whatever.
Back to the audition process..... we were told to be there by noon and of course with my experience doing any kind of auditions, they never start at the time mentioned. An hour and a half later, the Lady comes out and walks around to collect our paper work. Shortly after wards we all get called into another room.
This is where this young PA joins the Woman to explain this game and how it works. The guy is going down a huge list of things not to say for example you cannot use contractions, abbreviations, acronyms, initials, etc. So this basically leaves you with not much to work with.
After that being said and done, the PA breaks the room up into two teams to practice playing the game. Let me tell you that was difficult enough having one side of the room yelling out clues and the other side throwing out possible answers to guess the word. It was a mess.
A few rounds of that and everyone in the room were even more nervous about the game then before they even entered. Then the actual process of auditioning was happening as the Woman came around to take digital shots of all of us. Another girl knocks on the door, comes into the room and starts calling people to come in to the actual audition. The nerves were really kicking in now.
While I was sitting in that room, to my surprise, one of my fellow background friends, Juan, came into the room with such great news. Apparently he went in to audition at 11:00 am and just got out and said that the producer said he liked him and to practice and come back in April to re-audition! OK Great!!! I was thinking, maybe I do have a chance at this. There was my sign of hope.
Well that hope was soon shattered when it was my turn to audition. I was called to go in with this young kid by the name of Michael. He was probably barely 20 years old, also an actor and does stage. He was a very bright, handsome young kid. We got along great and introduced us to each other even before we go into the room.
In fact we practiced with words for about an hour before we auditioned. Since we were one of the last ones to go into the auditioning room, the PA even gave us more tips to help us out. SO you would think that we would have the advantage here. Not so much.
Michael and I enter the room. It is a very small room. In fact it was actually a laundry room. The washer and the dryer in the back was a dead giveaway. This "room" is probably used to do laundry to wash clothes that get dirty on other sets in the Kaufman Astoria Studios. Since they film Sesame Street at this studio, maybe they have used this room to wash "Oscar the grouch" when his mouth gets a little too dirty!
That was the basic set-up. A simple collapsible table, one producer, who was so young that he just barely got out of puberty, and a heavy set girl, who was friendly and just probably just got her masters degree in public relations. The producer kid told us what he was looking for and the girl set up the camera and asked us our names.
Individually we had to go in front of the camera, state our name, where we are from, and something unusual about us. Typical audition stuff as they want to get something unusual about ourselves because that equals ratings. I told them my name and age and said “I can breathe with my mouth open!” Quickly after that they get Michael and I to stand by each other and to do a "Speed Round" of the game. Fine, let's do it.
I start the game off as the "giver". The word that is given to me is "BUNNY". Simple right?? Not so much. I start giving the clue to the young man. I say "Rabbit", "Easter"...then I say "Bugs".......I really thought he would get it, instead he says "ANTS"!!!!! I am like NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I can kind of get why he said Ants, and perhaps he was just too young to know that I meant Bugs Bunny???
The they "Switch" it around and he gives me the clues. So he starts out with "Liquid", I respond Water. Then he gives Chicken, so I say "SOUP"... Time is out. The password was "GRAVY?""" Exactly. Why did he not say Thanksgiving, Turkey, sauce, something like that?? Yup, so that was my audition. That was that. I really can’t blame Michael, he is young and there is a lot of pressure to audition for this.
I guess it wasn't a total waste because the girl told us that we both look "GREAT" on camera and she loves our energy. Yippee, does this mean I get the home version of the game??? I guess not. Oh and we can both come back and audition in April. Thanks but I think I will pass ;)
I tell you why this show is not going to work. For one thing, I'm not going to be on it! Seriously, I think this show barely lasted in the 70's and to bring it back is a mistake. The only staying power in a show like this is probably the fact that they have celebrities on it. Otherwise, it's really hard being under all that pressure to come up with a word in 2 seconds on the clock. The turn-over for a show like this is huge.
I was in the audience on the actual taping of the show this past Tuesday and nobody was even close to winning the million. The most money winnings anyone got was ten-thousand. That's nothing for a show like this.
Having Regis Philbin as a host also makes it more appealing to viewers, though this is no "Who wants to be a millionaire". That had to be one of the best game shows ever!
Oh well, so much for winning big, maybe I will get lucky and win at the raffle of giveaways they have for being in the audience. Better than nothing, I guess.
It just feels like another failed attempt to try and succeed at something.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Pics from the Peeps in LCS Line

This morning after, I am putting all this into perspective. WASTE OF TIME! I'm feeling much better this morning and listening to Mozarts' Requiem.
This entire experience felt like one big “Olympic” funeral mass of defeat. Perhaps I didn’t expect to get GOLD, though a few of us should have at least got the BRONZE or SILVER.
After reading the blog posted by Russ, I am utterly even more disgusted by this entire process. I was so happy to see that Sandy did get the call back to come back and audition for the judges. Then later on they say “OH we’re Sorry!” “We had enough today and won’t be seeing you after all!”
Also the way they conducted this audition was absurd. What are we trained monkeys that can tell jokes on contact in 2 seconds. Or perhaps we should all be like Pavlov’s Dog and every time a bell rings, bark out a joke! Or perhaps we should just drool on command.
That actually may have worked considering they were just looking for spectacle to enhance their ratings.
Enough said. If I keep going this blog will be pages long. I think I have got my point across. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.
Below is the link to photo bucket where I have uploaded pictures taken throughout the night: (copy and paste link into your browser)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Talent search

I am submitting for this talent search as I know the description fits me perfectly. I have been singing since I could walk. When I was young, my Father put me into the choir and music classes. As he was a musician he had great expectations for me to make it big.
Well fate stepped in and a horrific truck accident occurred and killed my Father. He was on life support for less then a week and I remember being by this bedside just before his last breath and his last dying wish was for me to pursue music and singing.
Losing him at such a young age devastated me and crushed my spirit for many years to come. Though I continued to sing in church choirs and began writing my own songs as well. In fact I was on a mission to make my Father's dreams come true to be a great performer.
I spent many years singing karaoke and with live bands. Singing has always made me feel alive. I always felt like I was born to sing and entertain. Whenever I would sing, people would come up to me and tell me how great I am and how I should pursue my singing abilities beyond the local karaoke bar.
Years later, I made the decision, packed my bags and moved
to New York City.
It was a pretty scary move as I did not know anyone and was never in a city like this one. Though with my undying spirit, and determination, I pursued my path and have had minor successes since. Though my ultimate dream of achieving national recognition for my talents has failed me.
I have tried other avenues in the entertainment world and came upon doing stand up comedy. I have had minimal success in this field though I did get on NBC's Last comic standing back in 2006. Even with the comedy, I have incorporated my singing and created song parodies as a result.
Before I did the Stand-up comedy, I sang with live bands at open music jams. One that I went to in particular was in the West village . The keyboardist liked my singing so much that he wanted me to become the lead singer of their band. I started rehearsing with him and recording some songs to play out live in NYC venues.
The keyboardist and I fell in Love and got married.
This is when everything fell apart. I moved in with him and he became extremely abusive both physically and emotionally to me. It got so bad one day, that I was forced to call up the Police!

He was put in prison for a short time, and I was left alone with unfinished songs and no hope left. I went to therapy for a couple of years. It took me a while to get back into the music.
Despite this horrible experience, I knew I had to continue and prevail. It was the only way to heal. I took it upon myself to learn how to play the guitar and started to go to open music venues on my own again.
This man who saw me perform one night, approached me after I performed and told me how great I was and how he could help me out. Considering the bad luck that I had in the past, I did take caution with this man. Though I did began to trust this man and did eventually fall in love with him.
He was a musician as well. He played guitar and told me how he had a big hit in the 70's and how he had a manager and could help me. He did manage to help me rearrange one of my songs musically and add a really nice bridge to it. We would go to the studios in Lower Manhattan and practice this song of mine that I had buried for so long. He helped me revive it and brought much hope and restored confidence in me.
I really thought this was it. Finally I can get someone to open a door for me. One day I got a phone call from this Woman. She was freaking out and telling me off. I was telling her to "Calm down"! She continued that she was not only this man's manager, but also his wife!
That really shook me up and crushed me.

Especially after the fact that I invested SO much time and believed in this man with all of my heart, when all along he was just using me. The worst part of this was that the song we practiced was really sounding great and was ready for the studio. Well that never happened.

So this is where I am at now. I have the talent and the ambition though I just seem to be thrown obstacles every time. Music has always been my passion. I believe it's my savior and a deep part of my soul. When I sing I really feel the songs that I sing. I feel alive.
"If you don't live your dream, you die"! I really feel like a big part of me has died as a result. This is why I am submitting. For myself, and for my Father. For a dream that I have desired for long and have never had the chance to make true. For America is the land of dreams come true, and I really hope you will give me the chance to make mine come true once and for all.